Harli Strauss-Cohn’s Mitzvah Project
Update 9/1/2015
Thanks to all my friends and family for making my project so successful. It is going so well that I want to raise an additional $1,800, for a total of $7,200.
I have volunteered at different places over the years, in my hometown and in Israel, knowing the importance of giving to and helping those less fortunate than myself. Now, specifically for my bat mitzvah, I have made a personal donation to NACOEJ to become a twin with an Ethiopian-Israeli child who does not have the same opportunities and luxuries that I have. Linor Wobe and I are the same age and have several things in common. We will be trading letters and this Twinning will give Linor’s school books, school supplies, educational trips, and more!

Linor Wobe

Please join me in making a difference in more children's lives with the money we raise together. Todah rabba, thank you very much!
Goal: to reach $5,400.00.
- $36 - Can cover lunch for one Limudiah class; Books for two days
- $72 - Can cover books for four Limudiah students for one year
- $180 Can cover a year of field trips and special activities for one class
- $400 Can cover Summer learning day-camp for two students
- $750 Can cover books and supplies for 20 students for one year
- $1,800 Can cover the cost for one child per school year in Limudiah
Harli Strauss-Cohn’s Progress
Raised: $7207